Samarth Soni
2 min readJan 28, 2021

There’s this question which has been lingering on my mind for years now. I think its high time I write about this now. It’s taken center-stage and I can’t get it out of my mind now. It’s been slowly gathering space inside my head and stressing me out constantly.

“How to bear the consequences you have to bear due to someone else’s wrongdoing?”

This is the major reason of me getting lower and lower on the happiness scale, if such a scale even exists. It should, though, shouldn’t it? After all, every material and moral thing is measured in this very scale. Every little to big thing passes through it.

Back to source material, how do I elaborate this? Okay, here goes nothing. Your friend and you are playing a game and are in a team, together. The enemy team is right under your nose and they do not know you’re lurking around the corner. You have just the weapon to finish all of them off, but your friend has just the defense to block their entrance. So you lock and load your gun and at the same time your friend locks and loads his defense. At the right moment, both pf you fire your things and your attack breaks his defense, and as a result both of you die. The point is, killing the enemies would have won you the game.

Fine, he apologizes. He didn’t know your plan to knock them out. But by that time your mood is spoiled and then you leave mid-game. The damage was done.

Now this might just be a game, and you may think, “Meh!!” but what if it keeps happening in real life to you as well. What if you called a score of people on your birthday but no one arrives owing to genuine reasons? The damage was done. The consequences were borne by you. Not their fault, but the consequence fell upon you. (On the flip side, imagine waiting for people on your own birthday. See? This is why I go lower on my happiness scale.)

I have been blessed with one small thing I won’t brag much about but I possess, ‘patience’ in these circumstances. But I can only be so much patient, can’t I? I am a human too. Enough is damn enough. Consequences after consequences after consequences. And no one to take the blame. Not for once. Because the reasons are all genuine. Where do I vent out then? I can only take in so much. I will start spitting venom if I don’t stop taking it inside me. (I’m not a snake, its a metaphor).

This is a question I still do not have an answer to, and I’m searching for it. If you do, drop it in the comments. Its more of a rant, but I don’t care. Thank you for reading! I love you. :)



Samarth Soni

I write stuff you should think about, away from the self-defined normalities of life.